[29 May]Chu Qingdong: Pirate and the rise of Britain


Date: May 29, 2015-Friday

Time: 18:00-19:30

Venue: R361, Bld5, Songjinag Campus

Speaker: Chu Qingdong


During the reign of Queen Elizabeth I ,the government consolidated its dominance through piracy.

This was determined by the situation the queen faced with. Meanwhile, pirates expanded and became

a force that could affect the stability of the society. Besides, as piracy conformed with national interest,

the queen legalized piracy to combined it with royalty.

The lecture aims at stating the effect that privacy had towards the development of Britain.

Speaker Biography:

Chu Qingdong, world history doctor jointly trained by Nanjing University and University of York,

focuses on transition and modernization of British society.