[15 May]Creating a Vision for Teacher Education between East and West


Speaker: Ruth Hayhoe (University of Toronto, Canada)

Date: May 15, 2015 - Friday

Time: 09:30 – 11:00

Venue: R604, Run Run Shaw Library, Hongkou Campus

Language: English

Speaker Biography: Dr. Ruth Hayhoe is a Professor of Education at the Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult Education at the University of Toronto and the President Emerita of the Hong Kong Institute of Education. Ruth's research has mainly related to Chinese higher education and educational relations between East Asia and the West. She has been interested in the ways in which cultural values and epistemologies from Eastern civilizations may provide a resource for new thinking in global higher education development. She is also interested in the intersection between Asian ways of knowing and women's ways of knowing, and questions of gender in cross-cultural leadership, topics stimulated by her personal experience of institutional leadership in an Asian context.

Ruth completed a study of the lives and ideas of eleven influential Chinese educators in 2005, developing a set of Portraits which illustrate the continuing value of the Confucian educational heritage. In 2011 she completed a parallel study of China's universities in the move to mass higher education, developing portraits of 12 Chinese universities of different types in different regions of China, as they evolved over the massification process. Since then she has launched a study of Canada-China university linkages supported by the Canadian International Development Agency and their contribution to China's dramatic transformation over recent decades.