我校英语学院专家耶鲁安(Jeroen van de Weijer)教授作为资深外国专家代表致辞。他说,上外是一所很棒的大学,学校对教育环境非常重视,强调教学、研究和实践齐头并进。上外的学生聪明刻苦,热爱学习。他在上外执教的四年中,每天都有不同的惊喜。他祝愿新来的外国专家们尽快融入新环境,加强与同事之间的交流,了解学校发展的最新动态,享受在上海这个迷人城市生活和工作的快乐。
我叫Jeroen van de Weijer,是英语学院语言学教师。一转眼,今年已经是我在上外任教的第五个年头了,真是时光飞逝啊!
You Have Come to the Right Place
Dear foreign teachers, President, dear Deans, Staff, Colleagues,
My name is Jeroen van de Weijer, I am a teacher of linguistics in the English College. I just started my fifth year of teaching in SISU. Time has certainly flown by.
When I first arrived, four years ago, I had no idea what to expect. And still, every day that passes brings new surprises. If there is one thing that I learned during those four years, it is to learn to embrace those surprises. Embrace what is new, value the change, adjust yourself, adapt.
You have come to the right place. SISU is a wonderful university.
As teachers, we are enormously lucky to engage in the miracle of passing on knowledge, passing on understanding. There is no more fulfilling profession, I think you will agree, than that of the teacher. No greater satisfaction than knowing that a class has been well taught. No greater happiness than finding that students have advanced a little bit in their understanding, in their humanity.
And all of this happiness can be found right here, in SISU. In the past four years, I have found our SISU students are very bright, very eager to learn more, they can be extremely hard working and they value their experience as a group of students.
Walk around on Hongkou or Songjiang campus and see all their activities, their dreams, their sense of community. Enjoy the privilege of being part of that community.
You have come to the right place, Shanghai is a wonderful city.
The city is of course, enormous, but don’t let that deceive you. Shanghai can be small-town in its own charming ways. For instance, the lady selling jianbing outside has been the same for four years, and her basic technique of making jianbing has not changed for thousands of years.
If you buy her bing once, she may or may not have a friendly ‘nong hao’ for you. But if you buy from her a few times, she will quickly know how you like your bing – normal spicy or very spicy. And if you buy from her regularly, she will soon know all about you that you can offer to her in Chinese.
I am joking of course, but my point is, relations start small. You cannot take on Shanghai as a whole, so start with your neighborhood and explore. Enjoy your residence in the City, it has much to offer.
You have come to the right place. China is a wonderful country.
Among nations, China is increasingly at the frontier when it comes to education in general and higher education specifically. Whereas other countries have had to cut back on education in economic hard times, China invests an increasingly large percentage in education and research.
This emphasis on education of course has a tradition of centuries, and is apparent everywhere. A friend told me that his daughter had to take three written examinations and two oral ones to enter a particular school – That school in fact was a kindergarten.
So the emphasis on education may be a little heavy-handed sometimes, but I am sure this will balance itself it out in the years to come. Meanwhile, SISU benefits from its success as a university in which research, teaching and application of research in teaching go hand-in-hand.
The university is constantly renewing itself, updating, for instance by introducing more technology into the classroom and by hiring the best expertise to teach our students. That expertise, dear colleagues, is you.
Enjoy your education environment, talk to your colleagues, find out what’s going on in other departments, because something is always going on.
And, finally, you have come to the right place – for food. We are guests at the SISU Foreign Expert Building tonight, so I wish you all a happy evening and a good dinner. Enjoy your time at SISU and make the best of every day.
Thank you. Xiexie dajia.